Alls, Hinkins, Karjalas, and Nartsissovs created an award-winning hospitality suite theme of knot tying at the D5 Spring Conference, April 2013. The squadron also came away with awards for Distinctive Communicator newsletter and website!

All tied up at the NVSPS Hospitality Suite, D-5 Spring Conference, 4-12-2013 (900x845, 144kb) David Hinkins (left) explains knot tying at NVSPS Hospitality Suite, Spring Conference, 4-12-2013 (675x900, 122kb) NVSPS crew displaying awards at D-5 Spring Conference, 4-13-2013, Distictive Communicator - WEBSITE, Of Tars and Terns, Hospitality Suite 1st place, and over 100 Vessel Safety Checks (900x675, 134kb) PCPC George Nartsissov, AP, second from right, receives  1st place award for Hospitality Suite, D-5 Spring Conference, 4-13-2013 (900x737, 145kb) Sue Karjala discusses knots at NVSPS Hospitality Suite at District-5 conference, 4-12-2013.  NVSPS received 1st prize for display and presentation. (900x675, 175kb)

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